Western Australian
Hall of Fame Criteria
The objective of the Hall of Fame is to recognise those outstanding individuals who can be held up as role models for the sport of tenpin bowling. The primary requirement for selection is a high level of achievement from personal effort or initiative, or in a field of endeavour that contributes to the performances of athletes or to the development and status of the sport. Induction to the Hall of Fame is the highest award provided in the state of WA.
Membership shall be divided into two categories:
Athletes who have demonstrated sustained and outstanding performances at the highest levels.
Meritorious service for individuals who have made an extraordinary, inspirational and dedicated personal contribution to tenpin bowling and its development such as administration, coaching, training, sports media/history, sports medicine/sports science and technology and contributions to the sport in other areas not already listed.
Nominations to the Tenpin Bowling of Western Australian Hall of Fame can only be for individuals (teams are not eligible) and can only be nominated from the Tenpin Bowling Association Board.
Nominees must:
be an Australian Citizen
be an achiever at the highest level
have the support of their peers
A candidate must have an outstanding record in tournaments, nationally and internationally over a minimum of 15 years.
Be a member in good standing during their involvement in the sport.
Have the highest personal standard of sportsmanship.
Competed in National Championships, State Championships and/or represented Australia in National Sporting Organisation endorsed events.
Performances and records may include those achieved as a member of a Teams event like Rachuig.
Nominees must have made a major contribution at the National/State/Local level to the sport of ten pin bowling over a minimum of 15 years
Extraordinary, inspirational and dedicated personal contributions to tenpin bowling and its development beyond that is normally expected.
Held in high esteem by their peers/athletes.
Innovative or pioneering approaches to the organisation and management of tenpin bowling.
Contributions that have substantially enhanced the reputation or profile of the sport here in Western Australia
This is an essential criterion for acceptance of a State Award. An individual nominated for this award must have conducted themselves through out their sporting career in a manner that brings credit to themselves, the Western Australian Tenpin Bowling Association and Tenpin Bowling Australia. The required length of service maybe reduced where the career of the nominated individual was cut short by major injury, illness or death.
The judging panel will comprise the following;
The President of Tenpin Bowling WA
The Vice President of Tenpin Bowling WA
3 members of the Tenpin Bowling WA Association Board
The President of Tenpin Bowling WA will be appointed as Chairperson of the judging panel.
In the absence of the President, the Vice President will fill the role of Chairperson
Decisions to induct nominees must be approved by a minimum of 80% of the judging panel. The first 2 years of the Hall of Fame Tenpin Bowling WA will induct 4 nominees. Then after 2 years a maximum of 2 nominees are to be inducted each year.
TBAWA will send out a congratulatory letter inviting the individual to be presented at the annual State Awards presentation. TBAWA will arrange for the production of a plaque/trophy. Should the nominee be unable to attend then TBAWA will arrange to present the individual with the award at another appropriate occasion.
Any decision by the Hall of Fame Sub Committee or Tenpin Bowling Association of Western Australia in relation to nominations for Hall of Fame shall be final and no appeal can be made in relation to the decision and no correspondence will be entered into.
Any person who has committed conduct prejudicial to the Hall of Fame and the good name of Western Australian Bowling Association or Tenpin Bowling Australia shall be ineligible for induction or be removed from the Hall. This shall include the taking of high performance drugs which are not permitted under the World Anti Doping Code.